De Anza College
Ranked #1 among large community colleges
in California (edsmart.org)
Located in Cupertino, near Apple’s headquarters, De Anza College’s campus offers a lively and engaging atmosphere, blending Spanish and modern architecture. As the larger of the two colleges, De Anza offers distinctive facilities such as the Cheeseman Environmental Studies Center, the Euphrat Museum of Art, California History Center, television, animation, and film studios, athletic facilities, a library, the Fujitsu Planetarium, and much more.
Academically, De Anza is well known for social action and student and community engagement through initiatives as the Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action (VIDA). Popular activities include the Euphrat Museum of Art Student Art Show and watching the Coast Conference all-sports trophy winning athletics teams.
Do you thrive while studying in a fast-paced, welcoming environment?
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